Concerned and informed Williamson County citizens have been asking the Williamson County Election Commission (WCEC) for increased election transparency and integrity for the last few years. During this timeframe many Williamson County citizens have been expressing concerns regarding the WCEC proposed electronic vote machines, voting centers, and associated voting processes. Informed and educated citizens have requested that the county return to precinct voting and pre-printed hand marked paper ballots. Meanwhile the WCEC has continued to promote a one-sided narrative failing to objectively evaluate more effective and more reliable options.
Based on the advisement of the unelected WCEC members, Williamson County has gone from ES&S electronic vote machines, to Dominion electronic vote machines, and back to ES&S electronic vote machines again. Prior to 2019 Williamson County had ES&S machines. In 2019 Williamson County purchased Dominion machines. In 2022 the WCEC proposed leasing ES&S machines based on a letter from Tre Hargett and Mark Goins addressing issues with the Dominion machines (see pdf). Tre Hargett currently serves as TN Secretary of State an unelected position and Mark Goins currently serves as TN Coordinator of Elections an unelected position.
In March, County Commissioners heard feedback from a large number of educated and informed Williamson County citizens pertaining concerns and requests for increased election integrity. Citizens voiced concerns regarding the purchase of ES&S electronic vote machines, while requesting pre-printed hand marked paper ballots, local precinct voting, and improvement of related voting process issues to increase election integrity in Williamson County.
The following week Bob Brown using his title as Williamson County Election Commissioner wrote a concerning Letter to the Editor titled, “Beware of Activists who want to do away with early voting,” which was published in the Williamson County Herald. Bob Brown made inaccurate and misleading statements regarding the topics discussed at the meeting. Bob Brown’s use of inflammatory language in the letter to mischaracterize Williamson County citizen comments, misrepresent the main issues, and imply fear by stating, “Beware of Activists…” and “activists are working to deny you your right…” leads informed citizens to question why did Bob Brown fail to exhibit the impartiality and objectivity expected of such a representative in utilizing his title as Williamson County Election Commissioner? Has Bob Brown been involved with Election Commissions for over 26 years now? Why? Why did Jack Johnson nominate Bob Brown for the role again?
Concerned citizens have noticed a pattern of conduct emerging associated with the WCEC and many have responded various times voicing numerous concerns. The following Letter to the Editor by Elise Farrell (written in response to the Bob Brown Letter to the Editor) provides a much more objective overview of the discussion points.
In spite of various citizen concerns communicated, the WCEC unilaterally decided to proceed with recommending the non-paper ballot ES&S electronic vote machine option for purchase at the May 8th 2023 County Commission meeting. On Thursday May 4th 2023 less than three business days before the Monday May 8th County Commission meeting, the WCEC submitted a 13 page Letter to the County Commissioners (see pdf). Due to very significant concerns expressed by Williamson County citizens, the Commission voted the WCEC ES&S electronic vote machine proposal down (see screenshot of commissioner votes and link with entire video recorded meeting).
Williamson County Board of Commissioners Meeting – May 8, 2023 – YouTube

Many issues have been raised regarding the May 4th WCEC Letter and Jonathan Duda comments made at the May 8, 2023 County Commissioners meeting. Following is a copy of the May 4th WCEC Letter along with a concerned citizen response to the WCEC statements made.
Rather than listen to feedback and provide a system that increases election integrity, the WCEC decided to hold another meeting in May formulating a plan to resubmit the same ES&S purchase proposal. Apparently, it is highly unusual to resubmit the same purchase request after it has already been denied by the County Commission and the WCEC decided to amend the ES&S purchase request with the additional request for an approximately $50,000 Study to be completed over nine month timeframe on hand marked paper ballots. The $50,000 study is an unnecessary waste of money and time, while further distracting people from the real issues related to the purchase and use of the current ES&S vote machines proposed. Considering hand marked paper ballots are already in use in other areas and all the information provided to the WCEC and County Commission over the last few years, hand marked paper ballots are very feasible and an option that can be implemented prior to the next election.
County Commissioners will meet again to vote again on the already denied WCEC ES&S electronic vote machine purchase proposal on Monday June 12 at 7:00 p.m. at the Williamson County Administrative Complex, 1320 West Main Street, Franklin, TN 37064. It will be on the first floor in the back right corner of the Complex.
Please click below for downloadable Call to Action document to voice your concerns.
Two additional Letters to the Editor worth reading:
- Letter to the Editor: No trust in voting machines or polling centers | Opinion |
- There are better options for voting than using more machines – Tennessee Voter Petition (
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