There was a full slate of public comments that included a professional hacker and a cybersecurity expert who attested that the machines are hackable, Frank Limpus of Tennessee Voters for Election Integrity, and a blue state refugee who spoke about how ES&S destroyed the election process in her home state.
There was a full slate of public comments that included a professional hacker and a cybersecurity expert who attested that the machines are hackable, Frank Limpus of Tennessee Voters for Election Integrity, and a blue state refugee who spoke about how ES&S destroyed the election process in her home state.
Also speaking were a handful of misguided Democrats professing their faith in the machines and making a quick plug for Juneteenth. Joining the Democrats in these talking points was our own former WCRP chair, Cheryl Brown. This explains why the WCRP in recent years took no interest in Election Integrity.
Ultimately, the County Commission voted 16-8 in favor of the study and the purchase of more ES&S machines. What is striking is that every single NO vote was a candidate endorsed by Williamson Families in the 2022 Election.

We wish more had sided with our Conservative 8, but those 16 did not receive our endorsement for a reason, and that reason was on full display in this crucial vote. This outcome illustrates the critical nature of our mission:
It also demonstrates that while we have been successful in that mission, the work is not over. We must add more to the number of conservative fighters that will stand on principle and conservative Christian values when push comes to shove. These commissioners did us proud this week, and we are so grateful for their courage. Please take a quick moment to thank them for their strong stance on Election Integrity:
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]
Conversely (and of 2nd priority), please take a moment to email the 16 who failed to stand for Election Integrity and let them know the people are paying attention:
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
Here are some highlights (and lowlights) of the comments made by commissioners (WF Candidates denoted with *):
*Chris Richards (D7) – asked for cost comparisons, which had not been provided
Betsey Hester (D2) – Said we needed machines due to human error because “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
Sean Aiello (D11) – concerned about a lawsuit from the WCEC if they don’t buy the machines
Judy Herbert (D2) – Expressed concern over the county debt for the first time ever, stating Williamson County should not turn down the state money to buy the machines
Greg Sanford (D5) – Received hundreds of emails – “If the people want hand-marked paper ballots, give them hand-marked paper ballots!”
*Mary Smith (D7) – “We have a trust and transparency issue.”
*Gregg Lawrence (D4) – Seems backwards to purchase a system and then do the study on it.
*Pete Stresser (D4) – We shouldn’t vote on anything without first seeing the final contract.
Tom Tunnicliffe (D7) – Says he received 62 emails in favor of machines and 111 against. States that is only .092% of the county population and then states the statistical irrelevance of those emails. May we remind Mr. Tunnicliffe that he received 845 out of 15,211 D7 voters in the last election, equating to only 5% of his district. Are they also statistically irrelevant? Perhaps Mr. Tunnicliffe should check out this Harvard-Harris poll.
*Barb Sturgeon (D7) – Asks if the WCEC has connected with other counties (Hamilton, Shelby, Knox and Maury) using hand-marked paper ballots.
Matt Williams (D9) – Trusts WCEC, thinks we can incorporate both. Asks for a verbal commitment from Duda.
*Lisa Hayes (D2) – “This is America and we have the right to free and fair elections.” There is ample evidence that the machines are hackable and fallible. We have to do right by the people.
Brian Clifford (D12) – Applauded Frank Limpus and then motioned for a largely meaningless amendment to the resolution, changing “endorse” to “expect” with regards to the study. Motion passed 21-3.
Greg Sanford (D5) – Flips his stance for fear of turning down almost $1M from the state and becomes a Yes vote.
Commission votes to approve the Feasibility Study and the purchase of ES&S machines by a vote 16-8.
Read the original call to action here:
Unlike 16 of our county commissioners, Election Integrity is of critical importance to Williamson Families, and we will continue to track this issue. Visit our Election Integrity page or the website of Tennessee Voters for Election Integrity to learn more and get involved. Also feel free to contact us at [email protected].