Family Blog Post 2 – “REIMAGINING”

Blog 2 - Reimagine-2

We’ve all heard the term “reimagine” over the past 18 months.  From “reimagining policing” (defund the police), to reimagining energy (Green New Deal), reimagining elections (mail-in ballots for all my friends and my dog, too), to reimagining the banking system (oh good), and reimagining immigration (that’s going swimmingly).   When the left says they want to “reimagine” something, the translation is they want to burn it down and implement a new leftist (Marxist) ideology in its place.

When you hear the words “Let’s reimagine America,” that should make you very uneasy.  Other countries have been “reimagined,” before.  The Soviet Union. Venezuela. Cuba. Cambodia. North Korea. Hungary. Czechoslovakia. China.  Communism has a body count of roughly 100 million lives and still counting. They don’t teach that in school anymore.

Just last August, a DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) consultancy, hired by Williamson County Schools, recommended a “culture reset” for our county.  According to the left, we are due for our own “reimagining.”

I say no.  Enough.  I am making a stand for Williamson County.  With its beautiful landscape, winding roads, temperate weather, once-highly rated schools, rich history, and its proximity to Nashville, it is a treasure that has been handed down to us from generations.  I don’t want to burn it down; I want to conserve it.  Celebrate it.  I want to plan for a brighter future while respecting its past and what made it great in the first place.

A word about the past.  That word is racism.  Were wrongs committed in times past?  Yes.  Has racism existed in times past?  Yes.  Is that how we live today?  No.  The overwhelming majority of Tennesseans believe in the ideals set forth by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and judge others by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin.  I encourage every Williamson County resident to visit the Carter House, Lotz House, and Carnton Plantation to understand the blood spilled on our soil to overturn wrong practices.  10,000 casualties in the five bloodiest hours of the Civil War happened right here.  I am sure racism still exists today, but I do not personally know anyone with such beliefs, nor is that person welcome in Williamson Families.  And yes, we can honor the past while learning it’s lessons.

It is a rare unicorn when you find someone who says they’ve grown up here.  Most of us are new, or relatively new.  So many of you are recent arrivals, often calling yourselves “blue state refugees” who uprooted your lives and came here for that one thing that has inspired human beings to make incredible journeys since the dawn of time:  freedom.

You are welcome here.  You well know what’s at stake.  Join us.  To the native Tennesseans, join us.  To the democrats who don’t agree with the racialization of elementary classrooms, join us.  To those who love Williamson County and want to conserve the best of it while making it better, join us.  We need you.  We can’t wait to meet you.